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June 02, 2007



The bump is looking lovely, and good luck with the move. The one thing I can recommend more than anything else is to be organized before a child comes into your life. It seems impossible to become so afterward.


Look at that beautiful belly! There are lots of great kids armoires that will hold their little goodies. Have you looked into that option? Good luck with the move!


Congratulations! Woot woot on the move!
I heard about someone that turned their whole basement into an enormous family-wide dressing room. They'd just all go downstairs to dress. Sounds kind of wack but it would definitely give you more bedroom room.


W00t! New chapter - how exciting. We have an expression in Swedish that does not translate very well, but you'll get the essence: "where there is heartroom there is bottomroom" - you'll find the space.


I haven't heard from you in a while, I hope all is well. Happy New Year!


Oh boy that bump has grown since I last saw visited your blog. Good luck with the move.

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