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May 09, 2007



1. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and successful breastfeeding experience!

2. Thank you so much for linking to my post about the afghan project!! I just talked to my pastor and hopefully I can get some information tonight about what address or organizion would be best to handle donations of Bibles or anything else! Thank you so much!!

Eternal Sunshine

I wish it was 3pm here! I'm currently at 8pm and have soo much left to do today. Congrats on the house. I'm also very jealous to hear you get to spend weekends away on your parents farm :) Post a photo of your shawl. I'd love to see it!


Oh, that's fabulous news on the house! Congratulations!
I'm glad you got some time for a battery recharge, it sounds like you dearly need it. Best of luck and hugs for getting through this, even with breastfeeding hopefully the hormones will even out a bit? Argggh, I hope so. It sounds like NO FUN AT ALL.

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