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May 22, 2007



Whoa.... that hammer thing is crazy!!! Unbelievably crazy!

Your grandmother sounds like an amazing lady!!


Ouch! That's really funny, though, even if I still don't get the logic behind it.

I know I never answered your last email (in that little email exchange we were having a while back). Don't worry, I wasn't offended by anything and decided never to write back. I just haven't found the time. I'm not sure when I will, but I wanted to let you know I enjoyed the email exchange we had.

Hope the pregnancy is going well.


"If she didn't like you she didn't tell you or anyone else about it. You simply ceased to exist in her world. End of story."

I love that, too. So much less stress not worrying about people or letting them make a difference in your world if they are not on the same page as you...

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  • Completed 12/01/06