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January 03, 2007



You go girl.
I'm doing the stashalong too but I am not brave enough to index it all. I think for me, ignorance is not being too awfully embarassed. Good luck to you.


Great list. I actually tend to work from my stash for the most part. This is really due to money concerns more than anything else. It's rare for me to be able to justify a new yarn purchase. A year ago last October, I went to the Anny Blatt/Bouton d'Or factory outlet store and loaded up. I still have plenty from that and last Christmas' Knit Picks gifts. I will continue to work on those yarns until I can justify heading back to the factory outlet again at sale time in October.

I like your goals for writing. I have a similar goal. I'm always telling myself I'd love to write a novel. I go through many moments of "I'm not good enough." This year, I've just decided I want to write the book that's currently in my head, and I'll give myself this year to do it. January is for doing an outline and jotting down some plot ideas and some character development. Who cares if I'm not good enough. I'll just write it for myself, even if no one else ever reads it.

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  • Completed 12/01/06